by Abe de Graaf | Jul 21, 2023 | Geen categorie |
To NeTEx or not to NeTEx? VANL has been processing Public Transport timetables for years. As of the first of August, we have switched to the new NeTEx format. This blog is about our considerations and wonders. The following criteria were important: Is the quality of...
by Abe de Graaf | Apr 29, 2021 | Geen categorie |
Driving Times 2.0 – An update We wrote about our view on driving times and how we think that the analysis of these driving times must/will change in our February blog. Today we provide you an update of the project: Consultation about influential factors...
by Abe de Graaf | Mar 30, 2021 | Geen categorie |
Production planning is all about organizing a production process for a product or a service as efficiently as possible. It’s about waging your clients’ needs with your business’. A shorter delivery time (for your client) vs. lower production costs (simultaneous...
by Abe de Graaf | Mar 30, 2021 | Geen categorie |
Over the past few months, Wouter Leeuw (data science intern at AnalyeData, one of the companies we share our office building with) has been working away on a Berco Car Carpets manufacturing dataset. The goal of the research: to create a simulation model of the actual...
by Abe de Graaf | Feb 25, 2021 | Geen categorie |
NeTEx: we’re moving ahead Introduction for those not familiar with the public transport sector: NeTEx (mind the capital letters) stands for ‘Network and TimeTable Exchange’ and is a technical standard for exchanging timetables and related information in XML. The Dutch...
by Abe de Graaf | Oct 9, 2019 | Geen categorie |
A new view on driving times For simplicity, in this article we will discuss busses, but all is application for other modes of public transport – tram, metro, train – as well. Analyzing the driving time a bus driver (or tram, metro, train) needs to go from...