+31 85 401 89 90 info@vanl.nl
The team

The faces of VANL

Managing Director Abe de Graaf has been active in the IT and PT sector for years; he has, for example, worked as a project and interim manager at HTM. This is where he discovered that the different programs and databases were used in a minimal and unstructured manner. Since this should be easier and clearer, he developed his own application: TMWalker.

In september 2021, we welcomed Sven van der Post to our team. Sven is a Computing Science student and is researching – in light of his thesis – if, and how we can make process mining accessible to people outside of the working field.

Our datasteward, Stijn van Liere, collects, cleans and aggregates large amounts of data, which we use for our OVContext.nl analyses. Stijn joined our team during the summer of 2022. 

As of the first of January 2017, Ella de Graaf was added to the team. As a Marketer and Project Manager, she supports the company in it’s online and customer oriented outings, and provides and monitors the internal scrum planning. 

On the 17th of July 2023 we welcomed Tom Willems to our team. He followed a traineeshop at Educom and now works as a Junior Developer in our team. Both our Public Transport as Manufacturing clients will get to work with Tom.

Niek Schipper followed the Software Developer traineeship at Educom and joined our team on the 17th of July. His work as a Junior Developer at VANL entails both projects in Public Transport as in the Manufacturing sector. 

For his bachelor thesis, Dominik Markowski is researching the ways in which Data Science can provide value for manufacturing companies.

Pieter van der Pot is our Senior Business Consultant. With his years of experience in the Public Transport sector, he is the right person to support our clients. 

Curious about the posibilities?


Building Twinning, De Zaale 11
5612 AJ Eindhoven


Mon - Fri: 8.30 - 17.30

Give us a call

+31 85 401 89 90