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TMWalker4 in Public Transport

by | Dec 5, 2018 | Geen categorie | 0 comments

Our project at Berco showed the value of TMWalker4 in a manufacturing environment. The pilot project is almost finished and plans for a future project are already finished. Back to the roots. Time to say something about TMWalker4 in Public Transport.

We have been updating our TMWalker SaaS environment for a while now. The goal of the project is to create a completely rule-based environment for the entire PT part of the country. Yes, it’s a though job. We are reverse enginering all programmability to set the logic in rules. Next to that, we are adding functionalities that should make things easier on an analyst.

In the first part of the project, we are working on making the Architect operational at the TMWalker3 level. Analyses like punctuality, driving times, homogeneous periods. They should be just as reliable as they are now in TMWalker3, but then more modern, attractive and user-friendly. We asked our current clients to, simultaneous to this project, upgrade their TMWalker3 environment to TMWalker4.

The following subjects will be touched:

  1. The context of Public Transport.
  2. Description of the network: Topology
  3. Description of the network: Linear features
  4. Faretables: Timetables
  5. Execution: Operations Monitoring and Control Actions

In upcoming blogs, we’ll explain more about this.



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